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What I like most about CLU is the unique philosophy of education, and the Spirit-filled focus of learning.I had been praying for over a year for God to direct me to the right school. When I first read your web page; my spirit got all excited, and I knew this was where God wanted me to start taking classes.

The three biggest benefits I’ve enjoyed are:

  1. Deeper intimacy with the Lord
  2. Better biblical understanding of how God works and the ways He speaks to us.
  3. Sharing what I’ve learned with others

For the past six years I have felt trapped and unable to grow and mature spiritually amidst the chaos that was going on around me; that I was just hanging on, and no matter how hard I pressed in, worshipping the Lord seemed to be the only thing that brought me into God’s presence and gave me peace.

God, using what I’ve learned through this course has changed all that. I feel that I can walk victoriously during and through my growth, instead of seeing things from the hindsight perspective; no matter what life’s circumstances may be. And that my victory will be lasting, not just fleeting moments come and gone; only lasting until the next attack or trial.

I have a more biblical and life-applicable understanding of how God works in regards to dreams and visions, and in approaching Him.

The two-way journaling, dialoguing with God, has taken my relationship with God to the deeper, more intimate level that I had been longing and praying for.

I have a greater understanding of the importance of humility, forgiveness, and obedience in my relationship with God and with others.

Regarding my attitudes and behaviors; I can say that my life circumstances have not changed that much from what they were three months ago when I started this class, but God has changed me, in spite of my circumstances.

The visual area of my life that has increased the most during this course is spiritual dreams. God has given me dreams in response to prayer for most of my 11 years of walking with Him, but I did not have the instruction of how to interpret those dreams, and I did not always recognize that the dream was God answering me or showing me things in the spirit; this course has helped me greatly in this area.

What that has done for me is to help me seek out spiritual dreams from the Lord, especially when I have a concern that I’m too attached to emotionally. I’ve started asking God for spiritual dreams to clarify His will in these situations, and He has been faithful every time I’ve asked Him to give me a dream that expresses His will.

This is very exciting to me, as I have been longing for many years to have this kind of a relationship with God, but felt stuck, and didn’t know how to move deeper.

I understand better what it is to live in His presence daily. I can enter the holy of holies anytime I want. I feel the presence of God come on me throughout my day, speaking to me; guiding and leading me in His truth for every situation. I have a depth of intimacy with the Lord that I have longed and prayed for these past 6 years. I experienced God before, but not daily at the depth of intimacy that I’m experiencing now, and I know it will only get deeper and sweeter with time. I am not alone.