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Introduction: CLU Student Michelle Kirby

Introduction: CLU Student Michelle Kirby If you would like to be able to Ask Jesus questions like we do in many of our blogs and have Him answer back to you personally, we can show you how.  Please see our foundational teaching on 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice....

Weapons Of Praise, Worship And Dance

Praising and worshiping God during a time of hardship, difficulty, or crisis can be the last option on our minds, especially if all doors seem to be closed up around us. We may feel alone, disappointed, or let down by others close to us, and the cry of our heart could...

God Determines My Destiny

Deliverance is a topic that we do not hear every day on the radio, the newspaper or on TV. This may sound spooky to some people, but this is necessary as Christians especially if the Holy Spirit is showing us areas in our lives or in our family line that needs prayer...

A sweet friendship refreshes the soul- Part Two

This testimony is part two of the article sweet friendship refreshes the soul.  One thing I have learned from being a Counselor and a Coach is that there is no hurt, trauma or pain that God cannot heal. There is no power, tactics or deception of the kingdom of...

A Sweet Friendship Refreshes The Soul

“Just as lotions and fragrance give sensual delight, a sweet friendship refreshes the soul. Don’t leave your friends or your parents’ friends and run home to your family when things get rough; better a nearby friend than a distant family.” Prov.27:9-10I was chatting...

Jehovah Raah- The Lord is my Shepherd

Jehovah Raah- The Lord is my Shepherd Lord, what do you want to say to me about being my Shepherd? The Shepherd cares for the sheep. He feeds them, leads them to safety, protects them from harm. Where the shepherd leads He provides. Can you trust my leading? Can you...