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Theology Concentration

When you have 

a  first-hand, personal, experiential acquaintance with the Truth, you will be delivered from the power and restrictions of sin and set free to live in righteous, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost! That is what sound theology can do for you!

The dictionary tells us that “theology” is “the study of religious faith, practice, and experience; especially: the study of God and of God’s relation to the world.”


The word “theology” is not actually found anywhere in the Bible! The closest biblical term is “doctrine” and the Bible is very firm in its warnings concerning embracing and teaching doctrines which are merely man’s conceptualization of truth.


Sound doctrine, which begins, continues and ends with the Spirit, has distinct characteristics:

  • It is from above (James 3:17)
  • It is not merely man’s thoughts but is revelation-knowledge truth (Is. 55:8,9; Phil. 3:1010; I Cor. 2:9,10; Jn. 5:19,20,30)
  • It promotes increased intimacy with Christ (Eph. 4:14,15)
  • It stimulates love from a pure heart, a good conscience and a sincere faith (I Tim. 1:3-5)
    It produces godliness and contentment (I Tim. 4:7, I Tim. 6:1-6)
  • It avoids an unhealthy interest in controversial questions and arguments about words that only stirs up division, abusive language and suspicion about other believers (I Tim. 6:4).

At CLU, we put the revelation of the Holy Spirit in the center of every theological pursuit, and intimacy with Christ as its primary goal.

Eternal life does not rest in how much we know about God; eternal life does not even come from a diligent examination of the Scriptures (Jn. 5:39). Eternal life is knowing (having a deep, intimate, personal relationship with) the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ (Jn. 17:3).


We recognize that our minds cannot truly grasp all that God is and how He relates to His world (Is. 55:8, 9). We therefore search the Scriptures that they may lead us into a deeper fellowship with our Lord through the revelation of the Holy Spirit.



The Theology concentration of CLU believes that sound doctrine is a result of revelation knowledge, and we will give you the tools and skills you need to meditate on the Scriptures under the anointing of the Holy Spirit so that He may teach you what He wants you to know and act upon today, recognizing that next time you explore the very same verses, He might reveal or emphasize something very different to you. His Truth is too big for our finite minds to embrace all at once!

Online Theology Degrees

The courses listed below may be taken as a Theology Certificate or applied as a major concentration toward any of the following online Theology Degrees:

  • Associate of Theology
  • Bachelor of Theology
  • Master of Theology
  • Master of Divinity
  • Doctor of Theology
  • Doctor of Divinity 

Additional work is required when an undergraduate-level course is taken on the graduate level. Course substitutions and combining major concentrations are possible when working toward your Theology Degree online. Discuss these options with the Dean.

The key is to follow God’s passion within your heart. Students in the Master’s and Doctoral programs earn approximately 30 credits for each degree from specific courses, and the remaining 10 credits by doing practical ministry work and earning “practica” credits.

To receive a Theology Certificate a student must complete a minimum of 10 of the courses below. One of them must be Communion With God.



Communion With God - REN103/503

This course teaches you how to clearly hear God’s voice, see divine vision and journal (write out what God is speaking to you). The Holy Spirit is the Wonderful Counselor, and when you can hear His voice on a regular basis, He provides wonderful counsel to your heart. Eighty percent of the counseling needs of a church will disappear once they are taught the course Communion With God. (3 credits for REN103; 4 credits for REN503) (Course syllabus: REN103; REN503) 

“I’m taking Communion With God. I am so blessed so far. My life is already completely transformed. I went from hearing God speak to me once in a while to hearing Him not just in my journaling times but even throughout the rest of the day. What a difference this has made.” — Andrew Steck

“We have been using Communion With God for some months now in all our home groups and one after another people whose prayer lives were dry difficult affairs have blossomed as they have heard the Heavenly Father commune with them, His children.” — Rev. Bill A. VanZutphen, Baptist Church, Wollongong, Australia

“Oh my, I am speechless…I have completed only the first several lessons in Communion With God and my life has been totally, totally transformed. He is such a wonderful, wonderful God. A few months ago I told Him I was desperate for more of Him…I had no idea His answer to my prayer would be so exceedingly abundantly above anything I could ever have imagined. My days and nights are now filled with His presence. Thank you for your service to Him, Mr. Virkler. I will be in touch as I progress through the course….” — Amy

Naturally Supernatural - REN204

Through the working of Almighty God, He has joined His Spirit to our spirits. We will study and experience the glory of Christ (through the Holy Spirit) living within us, as well as ways of approaching Him and releasing His indwelling presence. We abide in Christ to the extent that we know that Christ abides in us. We will also learn how to allow the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit within us to flow out through us. Prerequisite: REN103 Communion With God. (3 credits) Course Syllabus

“This course radically changed my life in every way possible. When once the Christian life was somewhat of a duty and chore, it is now a lifestyle of rest. What was once my trying to be good for the Lord is now having Him be good out through me. What was striving to serve Him in every aspect of my life is now simply loving Him and yielding to His Spirit to live out of me. By understanding, experiencing, and living out the seven revelation truths of abiding, my life in every way and dimension has been radically changed.” —Student taking Naturally Supernatural

Every Christian should read Naturally Supernatural at least once a week! You write so clearly it would be pleasant to sit under your teaching! It really would be a life changing experience! — Isaac E. Rerri

Basics of Christianity - THE101
If the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do? (Ps. 11:3) This course is a non-technical presentation of the foundations of Christianity. It deals with the basics of the Scriptures, salvation, Christian culture, the Holy Spirit, ceremony, faith, worship, healing, satan, righteousness, peace, joy, prayer, giving, ministry, heaven, and hell. (3 credits) Course Syllabus

Foundational Experiences - THE120
An intensive study of the six foundational experiences of the Christian life as found in Hebrews 6:1,2: repentance from dead works, faith towards God, doctrine of baptisms, laying on of hands, resurrection of the dead, eternal judgment. Students will learn how to live in these truths. (3 credits) Course Syllabus

Religion-Free Christianity - THE125

The law and the flesh always war against faith and Spirit. The battle is as old as Isaac and Ishmael, and recounted for us clearly in Galatians chapters 3-5. Each of us battles daily between law and Spirit in our own lives. Discover how God’s voice sets us free from the bondage of legalism and error. God’s vision is for a triumphant, empowered, overcoming Church that lives out of intimacy with His Holy Spirit. Learn what a church which is free of religion looks like. Let the Church be the Church! Let us be children of the faith! (3 credits) Course Syllabus 

Church Triumphant - THE208

The Church triumphant through the book of Acts. Jesus said, “I will build My church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” The book of Acts is the story of that Church in action and thus a pattern for our lives and ministries today. God is using this study to restore signs and wonders to His Church.
(1 credit) Course Syllabus

The Names and Attributes of God - THE301/THE501

This course presents the majestic and moral attributes of God, showing how He works in time and space consistent with Himself to accomplish His redemptive plans and purposes for our lives and the nations. At the end of this course, the student will have a deeper understanding of the person of God and how to relate to Him more intimately on a daily basis.
(4 credits for THE301; 4 credits for THE501) (Course syllabus: THE301; THE501)

“All of the courses that I took, especially “How to Hear God’s Voice” and “The Names and Attributes of God” were very stimulating and have catapulted me to another dimension in my walk and relationship with Elohim.”–Ben R. Ranis, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Discovering the Blood Covenant - THE302
The purpose of this course is to help the student understand the concept of a blood covenant and how it relates to the covenant God has made for us through Jesus Christ. The student learns the basic blood covenant ritual and how God made it known to Adam, Abraham, Moses, and the prophets as a picture of the blood of the everlasting covenant He made for us with the Lord Jesus Christ.

(3 credits) Course Syllabus

Feasts of Jehovah - THE303/THE503

The purpose of this course is to help the student understand the Feasts of the Lord in the Old Testament and how they pointed the Jewish people to Jesus. The student will learn the historical, redemptive, personal, and prophetic aspects of each feast and how to apply each one to a personal walk with God to experience His peace, power, and rest. The student also learns how God has restored the spiritual significance of each feast to the Church.
(3 credits for THE303; 5 credits for THE503) (Course syllabus: THE303; THE503)

Bible Speaks to Contemporary Issues - THE310
In this course we will examine the foundation of Christian ethics. We will study the Scriptures to discover the precepts and principles we are given about such subjects as sex, family, honesty, suicide, abortion, the education of children, welfare, inflation, humanism, and gambling. We will then go one step further to discover the character of God which provides the foundation of the commands. We will learn to apply the Test of Truth and the Evidence of Truth in any situation. Finally, and perhaps of greatest importance, we will learn how to pass our moral standards on to the next generation. (3 credits) Course Syllabus
Fulfill Your Financial Destiny - BUS102/BUS502
This course will give you Scriptural support for the belief that God delights in the prosperity of His children (Ps. 35:27). It is His desire that we lend and not borrow. We are to be the head and not the tail, above and not underneath (Deut. 28:12,13). God Himself teaches us to profit (Is. 48:17) and has given us the power to make wealth (Deut. 8:18). Several hundred verses on silver and gold will be examined, along with a philosophy concerning money, showing that we are to create and release wealth into the kingdom of God. (3 credits for BUS102; 4 credits for BUS502) (Course syllabus: BUS102
Take Charge of Your Health - HEA102

We have a covenant of health with our God, which is based on four prerequisites (Ex. 15:26). One of these is to keep all His statutes. In this course, we will learn the statutes of God which will keep us from cancer and the other “Black Plagues” of our century. We need not die prematurely if we become responsible by keeping God’s simple health commands. (3 credits) Course Syllabus

“Take Charge of Your Health” taught me that sickness may strike a variety of places in our lives, which affects the whole person. We must heal the spirit’s illness caused by sin. We must experience “inner healing,” which is the healing of hurtful memories and damaged emotions. The effects from harmful memories may consist of guilt, shame, and depression. This is why we need to repent, ask God for forgiveness, and go through deliverance of demonic strongholds. I believe that most mental illness is frequently misdiagnosed; and is, in many cases, demonization, the influence of demonic activity. Some people become so saturated with sin and invading spirits, that they no longer have control over who and what they are.

We all must remember that the body houses the spirit and soul within us and we must properly maintain all three. Don’t you think you should be responsible for your health? The CLU course “Take Charge of Your Health” will help you do that. —Mark Huddleston

Pneumatology and Life in the Spirit - REN210

The key to the successful Christian life is walking and living in the anointing of the Holy Spirit. This course has three emphases: First it is designed to help you become aware of your spirit. All 1400 verses of Scripture that deal with the heart and spirit of man are closely considered with the one supreme objective of learning to sense your spirit and the Spirit of Christ within your spirit. From there you go on to examine the anointing of the Holy Spirit and how the anointing can be increased in your life. Finally, you will try to get to know the Holy Spirit as a Person. (3 credits) Course Syllabus

“Throughout the duration of this course, I have been provoked to go after God like never before: to receive a greater measure of His anointing to bring liberty to captives, and God’s presence to all I encounter. I am challenged to fast and pray more on a regular basis, learn more about the anointing and start living out, through simple daily obedience, what God has called me to. I am also learning not to rely on my strength to get the job done, but to solely rely on the power of the Holy Spirit, and this too will increase the anointing on my life, which in tern will affect everything I do.” —Student taking Pneumatology and Life in the Spirit

Five-Fold Leadership - LEA203

“…they had ordained them elders in every church…” (Acts 14:23). Biblical precedent indicates that local churches were governed by a team of elders. God never let the rulership of the body rest on the shoulders of one man, knowing that each of us has weaknesses and limitations, and that no one man can completely represent full truth, wisdom and power as Jesus did. This course will help local church leadership function more effectively as a team, honoring the gifts of all. However, God’s leadership plan was not limited to the walls of the church. The Five-Fold Leadership plan will also be applied to everyday life and the marketplace where gifts and talents are surrendered to God to accomplish His purposes in the world. Prerequisites: LEA103 (required); MIN210 (recommended). This course will be most useful if you are currently a part of a leadership team. 4 credits (Course Syllabus)

Prayers That Heal the Heart - COU301
This course teaches a series of seven specific prayers that will break bondages within your heart caused by spiritual forces. These prayers include breaking generational sins and curses; severing ungodly soul ties; removing negative beliefs and inner vows; healing traumatic scenes; and casting out demonic energy that has connected itself to these inner wounds of the heart and soul. The entire healing process is sealed by doing an intensive meditation on biblical passages that bear on the issues being healed so God can grant you illumined insights from His Word.(4 credits) Course Syllabus

“Who needs prayers that heal the heart? Just about everyone! God has really done a work in me through the studying and revelation of this ministry. He has given me a burden and a heart to see all people set free from all kinds of oppression. After all, He did command us to do so and minister to people’s needs. Prayers That Heal the Heart is going to be a major part of what I do vocationally for the rest of my life. I have a burden and a desire to see people walk in the liberty purchased for them on Calvary, and for them to experience the ZOE life God has come to give us. Thank You, Lord, for Your anointing to do what You did and see people come into all that You have for them.”  — Student taking Prayers That Heal the Heart

I heartily recommend Prayers That Heal the Heart. It is the most biblical book I have read on counseling and spiritual warfare, in terms of emotional healing. While there are other good books out there that God has used, red flags have always gone up in my mind by their use of methods borrowed by modern psychology. This book isn’t like that, and it is thoroughly practical with its exercises and worksheets. It can definitely be used by the Lord to change your life and break the enemy’s power in your life. — Brian Shilhavy

Dr. Mark, thank you for your obedience and dedication to God’s will to bring this powerful and life-changing message of freedom, healing and a genuine relationship with God to us. Through the books in the course Prayers That Heal the Heart, God, our loving and caring Father, found a way in starting His healing ministry to me. I wanted a Ph.D. and now I get what I really needed: A life united with Christ!— Hermanus, South Africa

Wisdom Through Dream Interpretation - REN310/REN510

Psalms declares that God counsels us at night through our dreams (Ps. 16:7). The dreams in the Bible illustrate this principle, and all of us can learn to hear from God during the two hours of dream life we have each night. In this course, we will examine all 50 dreams of the Bible seeing how God interprets the symbolism and speaks to His children through their dreams. God promised that if there were a prophet in the land, God would speak to him through dream and vision (Num. 6:12; Acts 2:17). Prerequisite: REN103 Communion With God. (3 credits for REN310; 4 credits for REN510) (Course syllabus: REN310,  REN510)

“This course has truly made a significant impact on my life and laid the foundation for ongoing change and revelation. It is as if a whole new door has been opened in my life leading to a whole new world of never-before-found treasures and truths. I feel as though I am walking towards a new journey that will impact my life in a great way. I feel that more tools have been added to my spiritual toolbox to help myself and help others. When I fully grasp this practice of interpreting dreams, I will be walking in a greater dimension of wholeness, authority, counsel, wisdom and so much more. If it’s true that we spend one third of our lives sleeping and part of that dreaming, then it feels as though I have resurrected one third of my life and I can live more fully. The revelation of the importance of dreams and what God wants to do with us through dreams has been resounding in my spirit ever since I started this course.” —Student taking Wisdom Through Dream Interpretation

Experiencing God in the Small Group - MIN310
Classtimes are to be times of experiencing God and sensing the transmission of the life flow of the precious Holy Spirit among the classroom participants. They are to be much more than studies of God. They are to be experiences with God. This course will teach you how to make every classtime a time of encounter with the Lord where each one receives an impartation of the anointing of the Holy Spirit.(3 credits) Course Syllabus
Anointed Preaching - MIN415
This course will teach the student how to get his messages from God and deliver them under the anointing of the Holy Spirit’s power.(3 credits) Course Syllabus
Bible Research Methods - BIB390
Generally the student will take this course during his third year, near the completion of the core courses. In it he will be asked to do a complete Scriptural study, discovering what the Bible has to say about the vocation/ministry he is planning to enter. This will give him a biblical worldview. The student will be trained to do original Bible study utilizing the Greek and Hebrew, by learning to use an Interlinear Greek-English New Testament, a complete concordance, a Bible dictionary, a Greek lexicon, a study Bible, and an expository dictionary. No previous knowledge of Greek or Hebrew is required.(3 credits) Course Syllabus
Secrets of Salvation - THE110

Jesus declared that He came to give us life abundantly (Jn. 10:10). The Greek word for “abundantly” means “over and above, more than is necessary, superadded, exceedingly, beyond measure, superior, surpassing, remarkable, uncommon, extraordinary.” You know that Jesus has promised you a home in heaven when you die, but He has also promised that those who believe in Him have everlasting life – starting the moment that they believe. God wants to give you not only a glorious eternity with Him but an extraordinary life here on earth!

The center and foundation of this new life is the presence of the Holy Spirit within you, making you into a new creation with a divine nature that lives in dependence on and obedience to Him. This course will show you many of the incredible promises the Lord has made to His children, and will teach you how to rely on the Holy Spirit to accomplish all He wants to in you and through you. It doesn’t matter if you are a brand new believer or if you have been following the Lord for many years – He always has more to show us and more exciting revelations to give to us. 3 credits (Course Syllabus)

Secrets of the Spirit - PRO101

In this course you will learn how to flow in the full manifestation of the Holy Spirit, just like Jesus and Paul. This course trains you through the example of powerful testimonies, a study of the teaching of other leaders, and extensive biblical research to arrive at a theological summary of what is required for you to not only experience the baptism in the Holy Spirit, but to release all of His gifts as well. This class will teach you how every believer can flow in every spiritual gift and you will be equipped to more easily and daily live and walk by the Spirit! (3 credits) Course Syllabus


Experiencing Angels - THE315/THE515

The supernatural realm permeates our natural world. Therefore, experiencing angels should be an everyday occurrence – we simply need to open our spiritual eyes to their reality and role in our lives. God’s angels are always ready to assist those who have inherited salvation. Through powerful stories of angelic experiences and insightful teaching on the presence of angels, this course will reveal to you how angelic encounters are not reserved to a few favored individuals but are for everyone! Learn how to increase your awareness of the angelic so you can partner together with God’s ministering spirits every day. Discover how readily accessible this supernatural lifestyle really is. (3 credits) Course Syllabus

Developing a Victorious Eschatology - THE312/THE512

Are you longing to know what’s next on God’s calendar? Is the Rapture really coming any minute? Will the antichrist destroy me and my family? How can Christians be of the same faith, and believe so differently when it comes to Eschatology? If these are questions which you find yourself asking, this course will guide you through developing a victory mindset of what is to come, leading you to fix your eyes on Jesus and keep hope! (Course Syllabus) 3 credits