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Bachelor Degrees

Bachelor Degrees

require a total of 120 credits of work. This is generally the first level of higher education after high school, and because of the large number of credits required, tends to provide a broad-based foundation in a number of subjects.

 At CLU, after you take REN103 Communion with God,  you will be allowed to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in choosing the courses you take for your degree, since He knows better than we do what knowledge and skills you will need to fulfill the plans He has for you. Therefore, you may find that you select courses from nearly every concentration, with one area in particular having your strongest interest and therefore drawing the most courses from it.

You may bring in up to 60 credits toward this degree through transcripts from other schools or documented life experience.

B.B.S. Bachelor of Biblical Studies

B.C.C. Bachelor of Christian Counseling

B.C.E. Bachelor of Christian Entrepreneurship

B.C.L. Bachelor of Christian Leadership

B.C.L.C. Bachelor of Christian Life Coaching

B.D.H. Bachelor of Divine Healing

B.Min. Bachelor of Ministry

B.M.E. Bachelor of Missions and Evangelism

B.P.M. Bachelor of Prophetic Ministry

Th.B. Bachelor of Theology

Since I started this course I’ve felt God’s power creating a whirlwind inside me.

Mary Spradley

CLU student from NC getting her Bachelor's Degree, photo by TZ Studio

Course Information

REN103 Communion with God is required of all students, and we strongly encourage you to take all of the following courses as a foundation for your degree:


Bible Knowledge (12 courses)

BIB101 Pentateuch
BIB102 United Kingdom
BIB103 Divided Kingdom
BIB104 Poetry Books
BIB105 Major Prophets
BIB106 Life of Christ
BIB107 Acts and Epistles
BIB108 Epistles and Revelation
THE120 Foundational Experiences
THE125 Religion-Free Christianity
THE310 The Bible Speaks to Contemporary Issues
BIB390 Bible Research Methods

Life in the Spirit (7 courses)

THE101 The Basics of Christianity
REN103 Communion with God
REN204 Naturally Supernatural
COU202 Counseled by God
COU301 Prayers That Heal the Heart
REN210 Pneumatology and Life in the Spirit
REN310 Wisdom Through Dream Interpretation

Life Skills (3 courses)

BUS102 Fulfill Your Financial Destiny
HEA102 Take Charge of Your Health
COU305 Parenting for Success

Plus Your Major Concentration

29+ credits of practica/electives (8-11 courses in your major concentration)


120 credits, or the equivalent of 40 3-credit courses.

A maximum of 90 credits may be awarded for the total of both transfer credits from other institutions and from credits earned for life experience. Of these 90, no more than 30 may come from credits earned for life experience.

Totals for Bachelor’s Degree

22 core courses
+ personally chosen courses including electives and practica

Total = 120 Quarter Credits (or approximately 40 courses).

Practica give you opportunity to explore various aspects of the area you are pursuing. For example, if you are training for teaching, your practica could include teaching in Sunday School, day care, elementary school, junior high school, high school, adult education, special education, various specialized subject areas, remedial reading groups, learning centers, etc. You will also take several courses of your choosing in your specialized area of vocational ministry, granting you understanding to couple with the skills you are learning. The required courses empower you with the Scriptures and in interacting with the creative Spirit of Almighty God. In addition, they will give strength to your marriage, family, communication skills, and much, much more. This will ultimately allow you to fulfill your destiny.

Don’t wait another day

Dramatically improve the quality and effectiveness of your life today by putting the power of the voice of God at the center of the process.