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Business as Ministry

Follow the call of the Lord into full-time Christian service in the marketplace! Embrace your ministry in the world of business and release the Kingdom of God in fresh, new ways.

Every believer

is called to “full time Christian service.” Our mistake is in limiting Christian service solely to the traditional areas of “ministry” – either the pastorate or the mission field.

In the last 40 years,

the Lord has spoken to various leaders in the Body of Christ about the need to infiltrate and affect all seven spheres or mountains that are the pillars of any society, if we are going to impact a nation for Jesus Christ.

One of those spheres is business,

and some of us are called to full time Christian service in the marketplace.

The Business as Ministry concentration

is designed to release the creative flow of the Holy Spirit within the student in and through business.

You will explore and develop

your own theology about the role of the believer in the marketplace and money in the Kingdom, so that you are free to follow the Lord’s leading in that direction with fullness of faith, if that is His will for you.

You will learn

how to be a servant leader in whatever situation the Lord has placed you, bringing the Presence of the Lord and the rule of the King into every aspect of society.

If you are so led,

you will receive basic training in developing a business plan and starting up a business, and you will learn to seek the Lord’s guidance through every step of the process.

The vision of creating and releasing wealth

into the Kingdom of God will be explored, and various avenues for doing so may be examined.

When you are fully convinced that it truly is the Lord calling you into the world of business and that He has a purpose for you to accomplish there, you will be released to take His voice, His anointing, and His Presence with you into the marketplace with joy and confidence

Christian Entrepreneurship Degrees Online

The courses listed below may be taken as a Certificate in Christian Entrepreneurship or applied as a major concentration toward any of the following online Christian Entrepreneurship Degrees:

Additional work is required when an undergraduate-level course is taken on the graduate level. Course substitutions and combining major concentrations are possible when working toward your Christian Entrepreneurship Degree online. Discuss these options with the Dean. The key is to follow God’s passion within your heart. Students in the Master’s and Doctoral programs earn approximately 30 credits for each degree from specific courses, and the remaining 10 credits by doing practical ministry work and earning “practica” credits.

Christian Entrepreneurship Courses Online and by Correspondence

All of the courses listed below are available by distance learning, and you can submit your coursework online. Your course materials are normally sent by mail, though our top 18 most popular courses are available as downloadable PDF ebooks, MP3 and video downloads if that is your preference. You will be able to contact your instructor online and conveniently email any assignments to him.

Tuition is $100 per credit. Course materials are in addition and generally under $100 per course. The courses may be purchased individually or as a total package. If purchased as a pre-paid package of 10 or more, the cost of tuition is reduced by 20%. Prices are subject to change without notice. Payment may be made by credit card.

Christian Entrepreneurship Certificate Online

To receive a  Certificate in Christian Entrepreneurship a student must complete a minimum of 10 of the courses below. One of them must be Communion With God.

Available Courses


REN103 Communion With God (Course Syllabus3 credits

REN503 Communion With God Graduate(Course Syllabus) 4 credits

Have you ever wished you could sit down and have a long talk with the Lord? When you’re worried or confused, wouldn’t you love to see the situation from His perspective and hear how He wants you to respond? When things don’t seem to be going your way and your prayers aren’t answered the way you had hoped, wouldn’t it be great to hear Him tell you where He is in the midst of it, and what He is working out in your life?

Jesus promised that “My sheep hear My voice” (Jn. 10:27). If you are one of His sheep, then He is speaking to you and you are hearing His voice! The problem is that we have not learned how to recognize His voice and differentiate it from all of the other voices that bombard our hearts and minds. This course will help you discern the voice of the Lord within your heart, clearly and consistently, leading to a deeper intimacy with Him as well as greater faith, hope and joy. Your life will be transformed!

“I’m taking Communion With God. I am so blessed so far. My life is already completely transformed. I went from hearing God speak to me once in a while to hearing Him not just in my journaling times but even throughout the rest of the day. What a difference this has made.”

— Andrew Steck


“We have been using Communion With God for some months now in all our home groups and one after another people whose prayer lives were dry difficult affairs have blossomed as they have heard the Heavenly Father commune with them, His children.”

— Rev. Bill A. VanZutphen, Baptist Church, Wollongong, Australia


“Oh my, I am speechless…I have completed only the first several lessons in Communion With God and my life has been totally, totally transformed. He is such a wonderful, wonderful God. A few months ago I told Him I was desperate for more of Him…I had no idea His answer to my prayer would be so exceedingly abundantly above anything I could ever have imagined. My days and nights are now filled with His presence. Thank you for your service to Him, Mr. Virkler. I will be in touch as I progress through the course….”

— Amy

BUS102 Fulfill Your Financial Destiny (Course Syllabus) 3 credits
BUS502 Fulfill Your Financial Destiny (Graduate Level) (Course Syllabus) 4 credits

This course will give you Scriptural support for the belief that God delights in the prosperity of His children (Ps. 35:27). It is His desire that we lend and not borrow. We are to be the head and not the tail, above and not underneath (Deut. 28:12,13). God Himself teaches us to profit (Is. 48:17) and has given us the power to make wealth (Deut. 8:18). Several hundred verses on silver and gold will be examined, along with a philosophy concerning money, showing that we are to create and release wealth into the kingdom of God.

LEA103 Gifted to Succeed (Course Syllabus) 3 credits

“To each of us grace has been given according to the measure of Christ’s gift…And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers for the equipping of the saints.” Do you know which of these heart motivations God has given to you? Is God asking you to express this heart motivation within or outside the structured church, or both? Which ministry or vocation is He asking you to express yourself through? What kinds of people do you need next to you to make you most effective? These questions and many others will be answered.

“These last 12 weeks have been like looking into a mirror and seeing things in me that I have never seen before. Then taking those things, learning more about them and pruning them to work most effectively for and in myself, my life and my ministry.”


— Student taking Gifted to Succeed


BUS105 Money by Design (Course Syllabus) 3 credits

Unlike most financial curricula on the market today that are built around the “debt reduction” philosophy, which states that the only way to change your financial situation is to decrease your expenditures and debt, Money by Design introduces another solution: Increase your income! In this course you will learn the 12 biblical laws of wealth creation; the difference between riches and long-lasting wealth; how the Jewish people have prospered throughout history; why the wicked prosper; and the gates of societal influence. The overriding objective is to empower individuals toward financial success by providing proper education, established biblical principles and developing new concepts. If you allow the principles of this course to saturate your mind and heart, your life will be changed! (Pre-requisite: REN103 Communion with God)

BUS201 Business Is Ministry (Course Syllabus) 3 credits

For too long the vast majority of Christians have accepted the lie that there are those few who are called to “full-time Christian service,” by which is usually meant pastoring a church or being a full-time foreign missionary, and the “laity” who work in secular jobs to support the ministry. Working in the world has been considered second-class Christianity and not necessarily a calling from God. Certainly, the anointing of God had no place in the inherently evil world of business.
This course will explode these myths, showing you how business in itself can bring glory to God, and how the Holy Spirit wants to anoint you to influence the marketplace and change the world.

LEA303 Developing the Leader Within (Course Syllabus) 3 credits

This course is designed to help you develop the attitudes, skills and character traits you will need to become the leader God has called you to be. You may need to establish new patterns of thought and action, and break old habits that have been keeping you back. If you truly devote yourself to the requirements of this course, you will be a more effective and successful leader at the end of it.

BUS301 Start & Succeed in Your Own Business (Course Syllabus) 3 credits

Millions of people have left the security of a regular paycheck from someone else to strike out on their own and fulfill their dreams. If you would like to join this courageous group, this course will teach you what you need to know to get started. Detailed instruction will be given in how to write a business plan, how to diagnose your competitive situations with reference to market, technological, and economic conditions, and set realistic production, revenue and operating goals.

BUS302 Anatomy of a Business Plan (Course Syllabus) 3 credits

The business that fails to plan, plans to fail. If you want to grow your business, you need an effective, up-to-date business plan. It is your key to start-up, maintaining growth, accessing financing and keeping on track. You’ll get a blueprint to steer your company to success and access to capital from lenders and investors. This course is extremely practical, thorough, and easy to understand.

BUS320 New Trends in Management (Course Syllabus) 1 credit

Everyone manages someone, whether you are a business person, a pastor, or a homemaker. What are God’s rules for successful management, which will allow the release of His blessing? We have discovered twenty biblical principles for effective management. These are being used by the most successful corporations around the world. We ground each one in Scripture and provide worksheets so you can easily evaluate your management style. May God’s maximum blessing be released in our homes, churches, and businesses. Leaders manage people well.

BUS310 Recordkeeping for the Small Business (Course Syllabus) 3 credits

The keeping of accurate records is imperative if you are going to succeed at business. This course is designed for those who are starting from scratch and know nothing about the recordkeeping process. By the time you have finished applying the principles taught in the course, you will understand how all of the pieces fit together to develop a simple but accurate set of books that will help you see the trends that are taking place within your operation and provide you with income tax information that can be easily retrieved and verified.

COU203 Cornerstones of Communication (Course Syllabus) 3 credits

Communication is the center of all relationships, yet most of us are untaught on the dynamics of great communication skills. This course will teach you these skills. With practice, every relationship you enter into will be much more effective, including relationships with your spouse and children. Give yourself the gift of outstanding communication skills.

I think I can safely say that effective communication skills are one of the most, if not the most, important set of skills one can have in day-to-day living. Without the ability to properly communicate, we cannot get through life properly, as relationships are a central aspect of our lives.


As a result of this course, I have learned skills that I will be using every day of my life. I have always been faced with situations that have required excellent communication and negotiation skills. Many situations were changed because I was able to implement some of the things I had learned about negotiation from this course. This stuff works!

—student taking Cornerstones of Communication

LEA310 Apprenticed to Leadership (Course Syllabus) 3 credits

Mentoring or apprenticeship was Jesus’ style of training. He committed Himself to twelve intense relationships for about a year and a half, raising up leaders after Him who turned the world upside down for His sake. In this course, we will explore the mentoring relationship from both sides: as an apprentice who is learning from a leader and as a leader who is developing his team. (It is possible and beneficial to be in both positions at the same time – continuing to grow and learn from those who are ahead of us while leading and developing others into their potential.) We will discuss what is involved in a good mentoring relationship, responsibilities of the mentor and the apprentice, how one enters and terminates such relationships, and very practical steps for developing leaders who will stand with you, help carry your load, and continue your vision after you are gone. “There is no success without a successor.”

BUS312 Ethical MLM (Course Syllabus) 1 credit

This course will help you examine the field of network (multi-level, direct consumer) marketing. You will learn how to choose the best company for you to work with, and how to build an ethical MLM business. Prerequisite: BUS102 Fulfill Your Financial Destiny.

LEA203 Five-Fold Leadership (Course Syllabus) 4 credits
“…they had ordained them elders in every church…” (Acts 14:23). Biblical precedent indicates that local churches were governed by a team of elders. God never let the rulership of the body rest on the shoulders of one man, knowing that each of us has weaknesses and limitations, and that no one man can completely represent full truth, wisdom and power as Jesus did. This course will help local church leadership function more effectively as a team, honoring the gifts of all. However, God’s leadership plan was not limited to the walls of the church. The Five-Fold Leadership plan will also be applied to everyday life and the marketplace where gifts and talents are surrendered to God to accomplish His purposes in the world. Prerequisites: LEA103 (required); MIN210 (recommended). This course will be most useful if you are currently a part of a leadership team.

Start your Business as Ministry degree today!